Sunday, September 20, 2009

End of the first 6 weeks

The first 6 weeks is almost over.

This week we will be focusing on setting up equations and solving word problems. Students can expect another open notes quiz on Friday.

The first 6 weeks benchmark test will be held next Tuesday, September 29th. It will cover everything we have learned this year.

Friday, September 25th is the last day I will accept ANY corrections on failing daily work assignments.

As a reminder, Wednesday September 30th is an early release day.

I will also be offering an extra credit worksheet to students this week - it will add extra points to their quiz scores. I offered an extra credit worksheet last week - and only about 10 students decided to take advantage of it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Getting Help

If you are struggling in math.. especially when you are at home.. here are some things you can do to get some more clarification:
  1. Use your Math text book (it should be at home). Look up the topic you are working on and review the examples they show you in the book.
  3. this site has some great step-by-step instructions and some practice problems online.
  4. this site is filled with a ton of math video games.
  5. each student has a log-in/password and can access this via the web. Here students can get help in all subjects, it has games, worksheets, and tests, too.